How I really feel

How I really feel

Friday, August 7, 2015

Greatest country in the world? MY ASS!!!

People in the united states hide behind the line "we are the greatest country in the world" while our jobs move overseas, our standard of living declines every single day, and our education system loses more ground every minute! Drape yourself in the old, false flag all that you want, but you cannot block out the truth. You can cover your eyes but you can't change the facts. Here are the facts:

The U.S. ranks 14th in education

6 January 20151 comment
According to Pearson, the United States has a “cognitive skills and educational attainment” score of 0.39, which makes the United States rank fourteenth out of forty countries ranked in that category. The top ten countries (and their scores) are:
  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50)

The U.S. ranks 2nd in ignorance

According to the research firm IPSOS Mori, the United States ranks second out of fourteen countries in general ignorance about social statistics such as teen pregnancy, unemployment rates, and voting patterns. Italy is the most ignorant of the fourteen countries.
Wow!!! Now there is a category everyone wants to excel in!!! Shouldn't "the greatest country in the world" avoid this list altogether?
Oh never mind..............I found the problem:

The U.S. ranks 24th in literacy

4 December 20132 comments
According to the Program for International Student Assessment, the average reading literacy score for U.S. fifteen-year old students is 498 (out of 1000 possible points). That is enough to make the United States rank twenty-fourth out of sixty-five educational systems ranked in that category. Shangai, China, ranked first, with a score of 570.
Here is what they never tell you on television:

The U.S. ranks 16th in where to be born

5 December 2012Leave a comment
According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, the United States has a Where-to-be-Born Index score of 7.38, which makes the United States tied for sixteenth with Germany out of eighty countries ranked in that category. Switzerland ranks first, with a score of 8.22.
Rank: Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, and finally the good ole U.S. of A.
You don't really see any reporting on the above countries do you? See if with your limited brain power you can figure out why...............go ahead, I'll wait. While the media in this country keeps you worshipping this country by showing you the bombed out Middle East, starving babies in Africa, or any of the other pablum they usually feed us, you can lean back in your easy chair and enjoy the quick ride downhill.
DAMN!!! Don't look now, but remember all of our right you brag about?

The U.S. ranks 46th in civil liberties

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index 2010, the United States has a civil liberties score of 8.53 out of a possible score of 10.00. This makes the United States tied for forty-sixth in democracy with Italy, South Africa, France, and Hungary. Several countries tied for first with a score of 10.00, including Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland and Uruguay. The United States has the lowest civil liberties of any fully democratic country.
Whoa, the lowest civil liberties............NO WAY!!! That can't be right because afterall we are "the greatest............Oh FUCK IT...........................You get the point.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Today's rant is about the Republican debate........

Holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The great Fox news was posing questions about god to the candidates.........and these assholes were responding. Has not one of them read the constitution? If you morons read it you would find the part about "separation of church and state." You would also learn that we are not an official "Christian" nation.
"If you are a Christian and you don’t like the “separation of church and state,” then that means that you are unhappy with the Constitution that you so vehemently defend when it aligns with your beliefs. So let me ask you this: what other parts of the Constitution do you want to change? What else doesn’t align with your beliefs? Because if we start changing it to accommodate you, you can no longer claim that you’re working from the mindset of Constitutionalism and patriotism."

What is the fucking deal here? Don't shove your god down my throat.............just do your fucking job!!!!!!!!! Which version of god are we talking about anyway? Catholic? Christian? Baptist? Mormon? 

Quote #1  “The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity.”
John Adams

Quote #2   “Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.”
James Madison — Letter to Wm. Bradford, April 1, 1774

Quote #3  In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.?
Thomas Jefferson — in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

Sorry to all of the Christian assholes who don't have the brains that jackasses have because they actually think that we should run our country on the advice of an invisible man in the sky. Do you really need to drape yourself in god to make your decisions? Here's a fucking Zanax, now get in your special room! 

Quote #4   History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.?
Thomas Jefferson — in letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

I can't wait until the first president says, "God told me to nuke Florida. How could I say no?"

Quote #5   “It is too late in the day for men of sincerity to pretend they believe in the Platonic mysticisms that three are one, and one is three; and yet the one is not three, and the three are not one: to divide mankind by a single letter into [“consubstantialists and like-substantialists”]. But this constitutes the craft, the power and the profit of the priests. Sweep away their gossamer fabrics of factitious religion, and they would catch no more flies. We should all then, like the quakers, live without an order of priests, moralise for ourselves, follow the oracle of conscience, and say nothing about what no man can understand, nor therefore believe; for I suppose belief to be the assent of the mind to an intelligible proposition.”
Jefferson’s Letter to John Adams, August 22, 1813

So lets all vote for these men who pray to some guy nailed to a piece of wait, lets all follow the guy who hears voices:"At the age of 40 in 610 CE, Muhammad is said to have received his first verbal revelation in a cave named Mount Hira, which was the beginning of the descent of the Quran that continued up to the end of his life." 

The end result is that you can choose to believe whatever particular batch of bullshit that fertilizes your brain dead life, however don't try to run our, all of our, country with whatever towelheaded, jesus worshipping, scientology spewing, filth you may believe! Fuck you very much!!!...........and I mean that in the nicest way.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The first post on a new blog should kick someones ass........right?

Okay, let's start my pro-welfare rant with this fact: 'Salaries for U.S.-based software engineers start at $75,000 a year; India-based engineers start at $15,000.' I dare anyone of the anti-welfare bigots to try to live on $15,000 a year............IN THIS COUNTRY! I hear all of the time how people would'nt be on welfare if they just got an education......after all, they say, working at Walmart was never meant to be a career. News flash morons.......if you got an education in computers, in order to make a decent living, you're fucked because you want money to show for your education, but the companies shipped away the jobs so they didn't have to pay you. Fact: 'When did offshoring become so prevalent?
The trend began in earnest in the late 1970s at large manufacturers such as General Electric. GE’s then CEO, Jack Welch, who was widely respected by other corporate chieftains, argued that public corporations owe their primary allegiance to stockholders, not employees. Therefore, Welch said, companies should seek to lower costs and maximize profits by moving operations wherever is cheapest.'
Why did they ship your jobs away? Well besides money, here is another interesting factoid: 'Part of the value is that foreign workers can be required to work under conditions that would be illegal in the U.S. In Shenzhen, China, for example, Foxconn, the subsidiary of a Taiwanese company, employs 250,000 people to assemble iPods and iPhones for Apple, working long, monotonous days with a handful of timed bathroom breaks. Foxconn workers earn an average wage of $292 a month. Last year 18 Foxconn employees at the Shenzhen complex attempted suicide, 14 successfully.' That's right............because we as Americans have been taught to value our lives we are not worth the time, or effort, of the rich stockholders. All because we won't work for peanuts and take our chances of being maimed daily at work. Next time someone just says "if they would only work for it, get an education, or any other of the totally inane things they have my permission to punch them right in the mouth!!!
Another fact: Is more offshoring inevitable?
Yes, unless the federal government decides to discourage it. Currently, the U.S. levies no tax on U.S. firms’ overseas earnings as long as those profits remain overseas. That policy essentially encourages companies to reinvest their profits outside the U.S. And to give companies even more incentive to hire overseas, the Internal Revenue Service allows companies that move factories abroad to deduct from their taxable income the cost of closing their U.S. plants. Democrats in the Senate attempted last autumn to close those loopholes and create incentives to repatriate profits and jobs, but PRO-BUSINESS REPUBLICANS blocked their proposal. “The whole concept of offshoring,” said Mark Toon of offshoring advisory firm EquaTerra, “is here to stay.”
I am shocked, utterly shocked, the same people (republicans) that are so "they should learn to stand on their own two feet" are the same people who give the tax breaks, and freedom, to ship the jobs overseas. I am simply shocked!!! (I cannot say this with enough SARCASM!!!)
Fact: 'A study found that 56% of federal and state dollars spent between 2009 and 2011 on welfare programs — including Medicaid, food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit — flowed to working families and individuals with jobs. In some industries, about half the workforce relies on welfare.' Lots of people say "It's because Americans want too much money...they won't work for less." Of course, the people who say this are almost always older, people who already made their money off of those high paying jobs!!! This is a sort of "I got mine so who cares about you" attitude! It literally makes me sick to my stomach.
Another thing that I hear a lot is "people aren't willing to work anymore.......that's why they are poor. They are just lazy."
Fact: The American economy has stopped delivering the broadly shared prosperity that the nation grew accustomed to after World War II. The explanation for why that is begins with the millions of middle-class jobs that vanished over the past 25 years, and with what happened to the men and women who once held those jobs.
Millions of Americans are working harder than ever just to keep from falling behind; those workers have been devalued in the eyes of the economy, pushed into jobs that pay them much less than the ones they once had. (or the jobs that the whiners once felt they were owed by this country!!!)
If you have got yours: bully for you.
If you so blind you can't see the facts in front of your face: shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!